Vaibhavraj Roham

Vaibhavraj Roham

Lead Software Engineer @ UrbanPiper

Laravel iconLaravel
ReactJS iconReactJS
Docker iconDocker
Kubernetes iconKubernetes
Kafka iconKafka
System Design
GoLang iconGoLang
Python iconPython

About Me

The Pragmatic Programmer

The Pragmatic Programmer

Andrew Hunt, David Thomas

Krishna: The Man & His Philosophy

Krishna: The Man & His Philosophy


Immortal Talks

Immortal Talks


Cracking the Coding Interview

Cracking the Coding Interview

Gayle Laakmann McDowell

System Design Interview - An Insider's Guide, Second Edition

System Design Interview - An Insider's Guide, Second Edition

Alex Xu

How Dukaan moved out of Cloud and on to Bare Metal w/ Subhash | Ep 5

How Dukaan moved out of Cloud and on to Bare Metal w/ Subhash | Ep 5

CAP theorem | learning-notes

CAP theorem | learning-notes

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